Call 904-520-2213
About Rhino Concrete Coatings
Ryan and his Family (Tru Blue Pools) have been servicing the Palm Coast Area for over a decade. Ryan graduated with his BA from the University of Central Florida. After managing Floor Care for the Baptist Hospital Systems he decided to change paths and created Rhino Concrete Coatings. Ryan went on to earn his Epoxy certifications at the Polished Concrete University in South Florida.
Our Process
At the time of your estimate, we will explain the entire process, in person, and answer any questions
you might have. We strive to give you the most efficient flooring solution possible.
Choose from 100's of Colors and Flake Blends
We use 100% Polymer Vinyl Flakes. Flakes are available in a wide range of colors, sizes, styles and blends
giving you custom design options that that can accent, balance and compliment any home.
Resin Pour
After we grind and prep the concrete, we pour a pigmented base coat. After spreading out the first coat,
we broadcast the polymer vinyl flake of your choice for 100% coverage. All excess flake will then be
scraped in preparation for a final top coat giving your floor a stunning finish.
In Person Estimates
We come to you and provide hassle free estimates and answer any questions you may have.
Concrete Grinding and Prep
Our concrete grinding method creates an adhesive bond for the resin coating and fills in any existing
concrete irregularities.
Our Quality Guarantee
We take pride in giving our customers top quality service. We offer a limited lifetime warranty because
we are confident that our product will last a lifetime. Avoid low-quality resin options that fail within a
year and contact us today for free an estimate! We look forward to welcoming you to the Rhino family!